1.) Code.org You are probably familiar with the Hour of Code feature from Code.org. You may not know that they offer tons of courses and other resources! I recommend logging in or creating a account and scrolling down to courses in your dashboard. From there you can choose activities based on your grade level and interests.Try an older age group for a challenge! 2.) Sololearn If you are ready to move on from Code.org and work with coding languages outside of block coding, Sololearn is for you. To start, create a free account and then choose a language you want to learn. Click here for more info on some popular programming languages and their uses. I recommend starting out with HTML to learn the basics of web design and get familiar with the layout. You can also download the app!
3.) Girls Who Code This is a great option because it is gearded toward girls and you do not have to create an account. Simply scroll down on the Girls Who Code At Home Activities page and find an activity that interests you. There is a ton of variety from online to offline to beginner to advanced. Then just download the activity pdf and enjoy learning! All activities include a women in tech spotlight which is awesome for learning about inspiring women and possible tech careers.